hi, i’m zk

i’m a 22 year old programmer from the uk.

contact me at zkldi.dev !at! gmail !dot! com

work i’ve done

i’ve spent a good couple years doing web-dev. tachi is the result of that couple years; built in typescript, react with mongodb and redis. tachi is fairly successful (and i’m proud of it), with a couple thousand active users, millions of rhythm-game scores tracked and ~30 or so contributors.

we host it on a real server using docker (swarm and compose).

i’ve worked on a bunch of other stuff over the years, you can see it all on github.

i’m working pretty tirelessly at the moment on a videogame in rust. i don’t know if it’ll ever come to fruition – gamedev is a brutal, sisyphean experience – but we’ll see.

while i can’t show most of that work publically just yet, if you’re an employer i’m more than willing to show it off, so you don’t think i’m some lying layabout.

rhythm games

i play a lot of rhythm games, which are games like Guitar Hero; you hit the notes as they cross a line in time to music. you’d be surprised at how good you can get at these games, and i find them incredibly fun games.

most of what i work on in my free time is for the rhythm game scene; i sometimes write about game mechanics too.

everything else

“I’m not a machine. I feel and believe. I have opinions. Some of them are interesting. I could, if you’d let me, talk and talk. Let’s talk about anything.”

i’m not just some nerd who sits at a computer all day !!

every so often i get the urge to write something. most of the time that’s because i have something i want to condense up and send to people. sometimes it’s just for fun though. i’m not a particularly great writer. stilted six word sen ten ces.

outside of sitting down i like to boulder. it’s good fun.